Friday, July 25, 2014


Lately, I have been lurking on youtube watching makeup and skincare videos. I get really inspired to try new looks and products. So I ended up with going on ebay buying korean cosmetics and skincare products, poor my wallet-.- 

Got all these parcels in one day! So happy! The mailbox was full, haha

A very informative book about skincare, useful tips and interesting research results. Going to write a short review later. Etude House eraser serum and some samples^^ Cant' wait to start using this for removing my eye makeup.

I remember before, when in high school and university, I didn't care that much about makeup. Honestly, I was rather interested in arts and reading. Didn't have time to ''take care'' of my skin. But now, I have been more than interested in skincare and makeup. Guess it's because of the influence from kpop and that I'm in my twenties and I feel that just using a moisturiser is not enough. I want to prevent wrinkles and bad skin condition, hah. 
After coming home from China, I noticed that my skin have got small bumps and pores 0.o Maybe it's because of the hot weather here? Nonetheless, I have ordered a facebrush to try to handle this problem of mine...coming up in a later post. 

- Mimi

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