Sunday, February 26, 2012

Spring is Here...Almost

The weather have been really nice lately=D Nothing is like waking up in the morning by the sun rays from the window...It's kinda strange how happy and full of energy one becomes when the days get lighter compared to the dark, december days-.- Spring is almost here, and this means more sun, better weather and nice, lighter clothes in store^^! And...the natural light makes it perfect for photography!

This will be a short ''this-week-in-photos'' kinda post though...

My internship is almost over, which means more free-time to do something I like! 
In my case, currently, it's photography. These tumblr blogs with those pretty photos makes me want
to just take out my camera and take alot of pictures!
Therefore, I have decided to take on the challenge to 
add some photo to my blog posts, everytime I post something...

Finished my internship assignments today^^

Had some tea with my favourite chocolates^^ ehm...the excuse for this self-treatment 
is that it's a little reward for meself for finishing my assignmentsxD
Sigh..chocolates are really my ''happy-go-lucky'' remedy.

mmm...Ferrero...these are sooo delicious!

Listened to Big Bang's new song Blue.
 It's so addicting and catchy and...just amazing!
I can't wait for their other songs to be released.

Painted my nails with my newly purchased nail polishes, Blanc (white) from Essie and the Sparkly one from H&M.
Honestly, I didn't like the Essie polish consistency, liquidly and thin. Gets striped easily-.- 
I had to paint 3 times to get it opaque! Now it feels heavy on my nailsT.T 

That's it for now, I'm going to update more the next couple of days with more photos now that I'm in a ''photography'' mood;)

-Mimi xoxo

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